
Allow configuring/using FetchClient

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I have already a configured FetchClient for CORS and CSRF-Protection.
Aurelia-ORM should use this FetchClient instead of creating a new one.

You can set the client in api. Get the endpoint and set .client to your client.


import {ApiClient} from './api-client';

export function configure(config) {
	config.plugin('aurelia-api', aureliaApi => {
		const apiClient:ApiClient = config.aurelia.container.get(ApiClient);
			.registerEndpoint('myty', '')
		const mytyEndpoint = aureliaApi.getEndpoint('myty');
		apiClient.fetchClient.baseUrl = 'http://www.example.com/api'
		mytyEndpoint.client = apiClient.fetchClient;