
Ceramic: Best identity or reputation applications built on ComposeDB

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VictoQ commented

Description ๐Ÿ“ƒ

$2000 Number of Bounties: 2
Do you have ideas for new identity management tools? Events ticketing system? An application that will include the user reputation aspect? Use ComposeDB on Ceramic to build applications in identity or reputation space.

Acceptance Criteria ๐Ÿ

  • Must use ComposeDB on Ceramic

  • Must be a identity or reputation space

  • At least one new data model created or at least one existing data model re-used for the application

  • Judging will lean towards the completeness of the application: is the project in a concept state or ready to scale

  • Impact to Ceramic developer ecosystem

Reward Pool ๐Ÿ’ธ

USDC 4000