
TexturePacker Update

CodeAndWeb opened this issue · 3 comments

I've just seen that you've updated the exporter.

Should we include this version in the text TexturePacker Release?

@CodeAndWeb Thank you for watching our update!
Now the update is not ready for including TexturePacker because it's still in pre-release and we are still testing it.
We will let you known when it's all done. 🙆🏻‍♂️
Best regards.

Please send an email to support at codeandweb.com when done.

I apologize for the long wait.
We have officially released v1.3 below.


Would you be able to include this version in the next TexturePacker release?
Best regards,

Additional note:
To properly display ssce files using cropping and rotation in v1.3, you will need to update SpriteStudio to Ver.7.2.0.
Sorry for Japanese only.