
Gtk4 bingings for CSpydr

Opened this issue ยท 7 comments

Work in progress CSpydr Gtk4 bindings. I know I'm not a smart enough to contribute "important" code but a gui library is something I really think is nice to have in CSpydr. Coming soon.
Screenshot from 2023-04-06 14-58-31
Screenshot from 2023-04-06 14-58-43

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Screencast from 06-04-2023 14:58:55.webm

Oh wow, tysm! This is awesome!
As you might have seen, I'm currently developing an gtk4/libadwaita application (see LogicRs), so I too have some experience in it.

just a quick note: you can leave out the : void after the function declaration
Also, if you want live error information, check out the csp-lint tool and the --live flag. You can put it in a second terminal.

Is there any progress on this? If not, can you still open a PR with all the code you wrote?

okay. I'm still refactoring it. I was building the binding while making a text editor using CSpyder but school got a hold of me. I will do a PR soon :)

Awesome (and yes I know how much school can get into the way xD, I have some plans to add interfaces and other stuff which I'm currently unable to do)

Looking great! I could probably consider making Raylib binding for CSpydr at some point ๐Ÿค” Probably once static lib linking would be a possibility

would be cool! And we'll get static lib functionality as soon as pkg-config support is built in
Edit: pkgconf is implemented