client for dotNet
devMls opened this issue · 3 comments
It is posible? we develop with c# and we want use this product.
It's definitely possible but I won't be able to build or test it because I don't have a C# development environment. Review the document to learn how to add your own.
From an end-user:
I highly recommend expending the effort (and I'd love to see the result).
The API is pretty straight-forward, and the web server is extremely well-written, and clear.
I'm not so keen on the design-choices of the Ruby client, but ultimately: meh, it works fine.
At my previous employer, we were on the fence, and thinking seriously about paying for an on-premises solution from one of the other popular exception-handling systems, but on review/hand-over, we realised how cool Squash actually is; partly because we have full-access to the code and we can do whatever we need with it, but also because we can have 100% control of what can be extremely sensitive data, especially when you take into account certain country's data-protection legislation.
FYI: I may be able to offer some minimal support, having done both C# and Ruby dev, but I don't currently have access to Windows or a C# env.
If that changes, I'll be well-interested in helping out.