
Skill To-Do List

Tarkisflux opened this issue · 0 comments

Since we seem mostly agreed on the basic shape of the skills chapter, and we could get moving on some of that.

So here's a to-do list for skill cleanup:

Skill List

  1. Acrobatics: create by merging balance and tumble + errata
  2. Appraise: no errata
  3. Arcana: create by merging spellcraft and knowledge (arcana) + DC errata
  4. Athletics: create by merging climb and swim
  5. Bluff: no errata
  6. Concentration: SKIP - discussion pending
  7. Decipher Script: no errata
  8. Diplomacy: SKIP - discussion pending
  9. Disable Device: merge in open lock
  10. Disguise: no errata
  11. Escape Artist: errata escape DCs
  12. Forgery: SKIP - discussion pending
  13. Gather Information: no errata
  14. Handle Animal: SKIP - discussion pending
  15. Heal: action cost errata
  16. Intimidate: no errata
  17. Jump: no errata
  18. Nature: SKIP - class change discussion pending
  19. Notice: create by merging listen and spot
  20. Ride: SKIP - discussion pending
  21. Search: errata to make trap searching reactive
  22. Sense Motive: no errata
  23. Sleight of Hand: Iameki's errata
  24. Stealth: create by merging hide + concealment errata and move silently
  25. Survival: SKIP - discussion pending
  26. Theurgy: create by merging spellcraft with knowledge (religion) + DC errata

Anything that is flagged as no errata is still something we should glance at to make sure that the DCs are in the right places before we move it into the current-source folder.

The SKIPs should drop off as discussion in the other thread proceeds. I'll edit in whatever needs to be done for them based on discussion on the other side. I'll also strike through completed things as they get done.

Not sure if we should try to limit comments here to just "doing ###, finished ###" sorts of things or not, but figured I'd toss it out there.