
Random error

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I'm unsure what this error is, but it appeared in my console when 069 died:

[ERROR] [Exiled.Events] Method "OnSpawnRagdoll" of the class "Scp069.Component.Scp069Component" caused an exception when handling the event "Exiled.Events.Events+CustomEventHandler1[[Exiled.Events.EventArgs.SpawningRagdollEventArgs, Exiled.Events, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]]" [2021-12-14 21:21:56.330Z] [ERROR] [Exiled.Events] System.MissingMethodException: Exiled.API.Features.Player Exiled.Events.EventArgs.SpawningRagdollEventArgs.get_Killer() at Exiled.Events.Extensions.Event.InvokeSafely[T] (Exiled.Events.Events+CustomEventHandler1[TEventArgs] ev, T arg) [0x00024] in <d558570892634d58b96ef12e0d20686a>:0

SCP-069 does not work with the current SCP:SL update and will continue to do so for approximately 1 to 2 weeks.