
CLI tool for uploading crash mapping files to the Smartlook

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is CLI tool that allows to upload various mapping files to Smartlook using Smartlook REST API.

Getting Started


  • npm
  • yarn


  • with NPM

    npm install --location=global @smartlook/smartlook-crash-reports-cli

  • with Yarn

    yarn global add @smartlook/smartlook-crash-reports-cli


smartlook-crash-reports [command] [options]

  -V, --version                      output the version number
  -h, --help                         display help for command

  upload-mapping-file|umf [options]
  help [command]                     display help for command

Options for smartlook-crash-reports-cli upload-mapping-file

Usage: smartlook-crash-reports-cli upload-mapping-file|umf [options]

  -p --path <value>              Path to mapping file to be uploaded - for Apple either path to.xcarchive or single dSYM file. Can be set as ENV variable PATH_TO_MAPING_FILE
  -t --token <value>             API token to access Smartlook REST API. Can be set as ENV variable API_TOKEN
  -b --bundleId <value>          BundleId of Application related to uploaded mapping file. Can be set as ENV variable BUNDLE_ID
  -pl --platform <value>         Platform of Application related to uploaded mapping file. Supported values are `android` and `apple`. Can be set as ENV variable PLATFORM
  -av --appVersion <value>       Version of Application related to uploaded mapping file. Can be set as ENV variable APP_VERSION
  -iv --internalVersion <value>  Internal version of Application related to uploaded mapping file. Can be set as ENV variable INTERNAL_VERSION
  -h, --help                     display help for command

  smartlook-crash-reports-cli upload-mapping-file -t <rest-api-token> -p mapping-file.txt -b com.example.app -pl android -av 0.0.1 -iv build.1234

  smartlook-crash-reports-cli upload-mapping-file -t <rest-api-token> -p Example.dSYM -b com.example.app -pl apple -av 0.0.1 -iv build.1234