action_service.list_values no limit or offset support?
fdrab opened this issue · 0 comments
action_service.list_values not working properly?
OS, environment, install method
OS install on RHEL
Steps to reproduce the problem
As per the contrib/runners/python_runner/python_runner/ the action service allows for listing of datastore values. The relevant method I think is this:
def list_values(self, local=True, prefix=None):
return self.datastore_service.list_values(local=local, prefix=prefix)
However, the above is calling below method without the "limit" parameter:
st2common/st2common/services/ line 71
def list_values(self, local=True, prefix=None, limit=None, offset=0):
Retrieve all the datastores items.
:param local: List values from a namespace local to this pack/class. Defaults to True.
:type: local: ``bool``
:param prefix: Optional key name prefix / startswith filter.
:type prefix: ``str``
:param limit: Number of keys to get. Defaults to the configuration set at 'api.max_page_size'.
:type limit: ``integer``
:param offset: Number of keys to offset. Defaults to 0.
:type offset: ``integer``
:rtype: ``list`` of :class:`KeyValuePair`
client = self.get_api_client()
self._logger.debug("Retrieving all the values from the datastore")
limit = limit or cfg.CONF.api.max_page_size
key_prefix = self._get_full_key_prefix(local=local, prefix=prefix)
kvps = client.keys.get_all(prefix=key_prefix, limit=limit, offset=offset)
return kvps
Using action_service.list_values I'm not able to provide the limit parameter and thus the action will fail with:
oslo_config.cfg.NoSuchOptError: no such option in group api: max_page_size
even though I did put max_page_size = 100 into st2.conf and restarted st2.
Is there a reason why I can't provide the limit to the action_service.list_values method?
(another missing param is "offset", which would also be useful in certain situations)
Expected Results
a list of keyvalue pairs
Actual Results
st2.actions.python.SetAccountsObject: DEBUG Creating new Client object.
st2.actions.python.SetAccountsObject: DEBUG Retrieving all the values from the datastore
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/stackstorm/st2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/oslo_config/", line 2262, in _get
return self.__cache[key]
KeyError: ('api', 'max_page_size')
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/stackstorm/st2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/python_runner/", line 395, in
File "/opt/stackstorm/st2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/python_runner/", line 214, in run
output =**self._parameters)
File "/opt/stackstorm/internal_packs/preprocessing_shared_scripts/actions/", line 8, in run
accts_objects = self.get_overrides(capability_name)
File "/opt/stackstorm/internal_packs/preprocessing_shared_scripts/actions/", line 12, in get_overrides
return self.action_service.list_values(local=False, prefix=f'{capability}accounts')
File "/opt/stackstorm/st2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/python_runner/", line 136, in list_values
return self.datastore_service.list_values(local=local, prefix=prefix)
File "/opt/stackstorm/st2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/st2common/services/", line 92, in list_values
limit = limit or cfg.CONF.api.max_page_size
File "/opt/stackstorm/st2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/oslo_config/", line 2547, in getattr
return self._conf._get(name, self._group)
File "/opt/stackstorm/st2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/oslo_config/", line 2264, in _get
value = self._do_get(name, group, namespace)
File "/opt/stackstorm/st2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/oslo_config/", line 2282, in _do_get
info = self._get_opt_info(name, group)
File "/opt/stackstorm/st2/lib/python3.8/site-packages/oslo_config/", line 2415, in _get_opt_info
raise NoSuchOptError(opt_name, group)
oslo_config.cfg.NoSuchOptError: no such option in group api: max_page_size
Making sure to follow these steps will guarantee the quickest resolution possible.