st2client windows json parsing problems for create apikeys
philipphomberger opened this issue · 3 comments
Provide a quick summary of your bug report.
Paste the output of st2 --version
OS, environment, install method
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- e.g. Docker, Vagrant, Kubernetes, etc. Describe how you installed ST2
- e.g. one-line install, custom install, etc -->
The Client is a Windows 10.
Steps to reproduce the problem
Show how to reproduce the problem, using a minimal test-case. Make sure to include any content
(pack content - workflows, actions, etc.) which are needed to reproduce the problem.
(st2) PS C:\Program Files\Python38\st2> st2 apikey create -m '{"used_by": "bootcamptest"}'
Expected Results
What did you expect to happen when running the steps above?
I espect a new api key is create with that metadata.
Actual Results
What happened? What output did you get?
usage: st2 apikey create [-h] [-t TOKEN] [--api-key API_KEY] [-j] [-y] [-u USER] [-m METADATA] [-k]
st2 apikey create: error: argument -m/--metadata: invalid loads value: '{used_by: bootcamptest}'
Making sure to follow these steps will guarantee the quickest resolution possible.
It's not completely clear why, but Python on Windows seems to need escaping for the double quotes "
to work: e.g. st2 apikey create -m '{\"used_by\": \"bootcamptest\"}'
. This isn't the case with echo
. Also cmd.exe
has different behaviour to string escaping compared to PowerShell, so some experimentation will be necessary depending on which shell is being used.
Thank you for the Feedback. I will make some research.
windows escaping is totally different than linux.