
pymunk error in waterworld_v4 training

yidilozdemir opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm trying to see if I can use this library to train in petting zoo's waterworld_v4. Running the algorithm this is the error I'm getting,

extern "Python": function pymunk._chipmunk.ext_cpBodyShapeIteratorFunc() called, but @ffi.def_extern() was not called in the current subinterpreter.  Returning 0.
extern "Python": function pymunk._chipmunk.ext_cpBodyShapeIteratorFunc() called, but @ffi.def_extern() was not called in the current subinterpreter.  Returning 0.

any ideas? Updated pymunk. Or just that this library is not compatible with waterworld? I am not sure how I can debug without going into the waterworld_v4 source