
maxtime_tocall_negatif_free_route set incorrectly

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In A2billing system settings agi-conf1 maxtime_tocall_negatif_free_route is set to 5400 by default. However, watching the call from Asterisk CLI, the indication is as follows

Executing [1XXXXXXXXXX@a2billing-sip:1] AGI("SIP/4458262381-00000010", "a2billing.php,1") in new stack -- Launched AGI Script /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/a2billing.php -- AGI Script Executing Application: (DIAL) Options: (SIP/sip_out/1XXXXXXXXXX,60,S(5400000:61000:30000)) -- Setting call duration limit to 5400000.000 seconds.

If I change maxtime_tocall_negatif_free_route from 5400 to 5200 (for example) the call duration changes to 5200000.000 seconds.

Also, in the Settings comments in one location it says that 3600 = 1 hour and in another location it says that 3600000 =1 hour. So I am assuming the 3600000 comment is incorrect.