
Personal GitHub profile description

Christoph Honal

  • Existence can be improved by technology.
  • Strong crypto belongs to the people.
  • Strive to save our planet, otherwise everything else is pointless.
  • Always consider Open-Source.

Sometimes I blog at chrz.de, and rarely check LinkedIn. Reach me via Matrix at @stargate01:matrix.org.

Most of the time I work for zeromouse.ai, vivokey.com, and whatever I find interesting:

  • Hardware, firmware and interface engineering
  • NFC, RFID and LoRa
  • KeePassXC and YubiKey tools
  • WebAuthN, FIDO2, and CTAP
  • Custom firmware for NRF52-based smartwatches
  • 3D-Printing, CAD and CAM
  • Linux Servers, NixOS, Docker, essentially Devops for myself

In my time at TUM I focused on large-scale high-performance development, specifically for computational fluid dynamics.