
Refactor app to don't use Starcounter. namespace

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This library has to be refactored to don't use Starcounter. namespace. Explanation:

The Starcounter. namespace is reserved for internal Starcounter tables and classes. From time to time there are new classes to add. Once a class added there is no guarantee that some other libraries/applications have not yet taken that name, and if the name happens to be taken, it breaks the library/application.

To fix this, it was decided to bad usage of Starcounter. namespace outside of Starcounter internals.

It is allowed to use StarcounterXxx, but not Starcounter.Xxx.

But isn't this library an official Starcounter thing? Using Starcounter namespace asserts that it is. It's a bit like throwing it out of Starcounter github org. I don't since how it differs from starcounter internals in our level of control.

Sorry it took so long to respond. Since I probably missed this discussion, if you insist I will move it out of the namespace

After talking to @miyconst we agreed to not move things out of the Starcounter namespace yet. If we decide to do it, this task will be reopened