
Vanilla hats for fashion sense

papasayan22 opened this issue · 3 comments

Could any modder out there make a fashion sense mod that adds the vanilla hats to fashion sense pls? Some that i'd like to see are for example all the cowboy hats most importantly de dark one and the dino hat,

I accept requests for hats and shirts in Customizable Colors for Vanilla. The dino hat is already done!

There are over 120 hats in the game and over 240 non-dyeable shirts, and converting a vanilla item to a customizable FS piece takes five minutes in average. It's quick, but if I did it for everything, that'd be 30 hours of work, most of which spent on stuff that might not even be used by anyone and would only serve to bloat the mod. That's why I'm only doing requests as opposed to converting everything. Also, I can't automate the process because different shading, colors, and probable uses need different B&W conversion methods.

If you don't need the hats to have customizable colors, select "None" in Fashion Sense and wear a vanilla hat. You'll wear it together with the rest of your FS outfit!

Oh! Thanks a lot! It's a really great mod, but could you add the cowboy hat?

You're in luck, the Cowboy Hat is already in Hat Shop Restoration!