
Mobile: Various Issues

kylemh opened this issue · 1 comments

Usually issues should have separate tickets, but all of these issues are likely in the same scope. Will create separate issues if requested to do so.

Using iPhone 6S with latest OS.

1. Hamburger Button fails to change to 'not selected' state

Steps to recreate issue:

  1. Click hamburger button
  2. Click hamburger button again and see that button stays "selected"

Note: If you select one of the sections from the drop-down menu, the hamburger button becomes "unselected".

2. Drop-down menu fails to hide after selecting section

Steps to recreate issue:

  1. Click hamburger button
  2. Select 'About', 'Services', or 'Contact'

3. 'Logo' stays highlighted unless another is selected

Steps to recreate issue:

  1. Select 'Start Bootstrap'
  2. Slide vertically to new section
  1. Select hamburger button
  2. Select logo
  3. Do anything except tap another item

I'd 3 is super tertiary, but the first two aspects of this issue are problematic.

This bug is actually present in all bootstrap themes. This has nothing to do with BlackrockDigital - I've closed the issue.