
Authorize Issue in bundle release

Opened this issue · 6 comments


I am use this module in react native app, this is working fine in debug and release APK. but when i was create bundle and upload on play store the sign in process stop also, my google console app is fully verified. i can't understand what is wrong with this.

I think I had the same issue. There are potentially 3 different SHA-1 keys. There's the one used to sign your debug version, the one used to sign your release build version and you may have a different one that Google Play Store uses to sign your actually released app.

You can find it in the Play Console under Release > Setup > App integrity > App signing.

@StasDoskalenko @aboveyunhai - is it worth adding a note about this in It mentions needing both the debug and release SHA but it may not be obvious to some people that the actual release key isn't necessarily the one you use to sign the release build with. This was definitely a point of confusion for me and i've seen a couple of other issues where this has been raised.

Thank you. Resolved.

after @jamesalester's answer, I went to and added OAuth client ID. It solved my problem because the one I use to sign release build was not same with the one from Release > Setup > App integrity > App signing.

In the "App signing" step of the release setup, there's a requirement to provide the SHA-1 fingerprint for authentication purposes. However, it's unclear whether this should be derived from the app signing key certificate or the upload key certificate?
@jamesalester @mertbo

I tried @jamesalester's solution but unfortunately still doesn't work for mine.
my project is utilizing firebase so it created its own client ID that utilized the Upload Key.
I tried deleting the created Client ID and also created a new client ID that used the App Signing SHA1 key.

I then added it as well to the firebase and retrieved a new google-services.json file from it.
Still does not work.

Anyone here have a similar setup as mine? Or does anyone have a similar experience?
The cloud console Oauth Consent for the app is also verified as well.

By chance, were you also using firebase in your app?