
Consider including MEC deployment scenarios

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Consider documenting these phrases and deployment scenarios:

  • Bump in the Wire: Deployment scenario in which MEC platform is located between base station and mobile core network
  • Distributed EPC: Deployment scenario in which MEC logically includes all or part of EPC components
  • Distributed S/PGW: Deployment scenario similar to Distributed EPC with exception of SGW and PGW portions being deployed at edge and control plane functions (MME and HSS) are at operator’s network core.
  • Distributed SGW with Local Breakout: This scenario allows users to reach both MEC apps and operator’s core supported apps at same APN. In this scenario, both SGW-LBO and MEC apps may be hosted as virtual network functions in same MEC platform.
  • Control/User Plane Separation (CUPS): All of the above options may involve distribution of EPC gateways at the network edge.


I think these are best fit into the taxonomy project, and I will include them in that effort. If we then think they fit into the glossary we can also add them.