
A error in user manual

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Dear Liquid team,
I'm trying to implement Stean7 class acorrding to your nice user manual.
At the page of 56 and 58(Example 53 and Example 55), one line of the code was replaced by
"Error! Hyperlink reference not valid."

dbwz8 commented

Sorry about that. It's been fixed in the User's Manual and the end of the new example looks like this:

Gate.Build(nam,fun () ->
                new Gate(
                    Qubits  = qs.Length,
                    Name    = nam,
                    Help    = "Measure/Fix Syndrome",
                    Draw    = sprintf "\\multigate{#%d}{%s}" (qs.Length-1) nam,
                    Op      = WrapOp op