
[Bug]: Configure Flatpak

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Describe the Bug

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure Flatpak ****
mount: /proc: permission denied.
       dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.

Steps to Reproduce

Docker Version: 24.0.7

Docker Compose version v2.21.0

1- cp Dockerfile.debian Dockerfile
2- docker build -t 'steam-headless' .
3- docker run <container_id>

Expected Behavior

The expected behavior should run




Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
Release: 20.04
Codename: focal

Relevant log output

Build: [2023-12-02 02:37:16] [master] [6cc9f56155f3c7f9fc6bc9c22ef2cbf555029c00] [debian]

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure default user ****
  - Setting default user uid=99(default) gid=100(default)
  - Adding default user to any additional required device groups
  - Adding user 'default' to group: 'video'
  - Adding user 'default' to group: 'audio'
  - Adding user 'default' to group: 'input'
  - Adding user 'default' to group: 'pulse'
  - Setting umask to 000
  - Create the user XDG_RUNTIME_DIR path '/tmp/.X11-unix/run'
  - Setting ownership of all log files in '/home/default/.cache/log'
  - Setting root password
  - Setting user password

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure some system kernel parameters ****
  - The vm.max_map_count is already greater than '524288'

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure container dbus ****
  - Container configured to run its own dbus

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure udevd ****
  - Disable udevd - /sys is mounted RO
  - Enable dumb-udev service

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure local ****
  - Locales already set correctly to en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure pulseaudio ****
  - Enable pulseaudio service.
  - Configure pulseaudio to pipe audio to a socket

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** No Intel device found ****
**** No AMD device found ****
**** No NVIDIA device found ****

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure Desktop ****
  - Enable Desktop service.
  - Ensure home directory template is owned by the default user.
  - Installing default home directory template

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Generate default xorg.conf ****
  - Configure Xwrapper.config
  - Configure container as primary the X server
  - Enabling evdev input class on pointers, keyboards, touchpads, touch screens, etc.

[ /etc/cont-init.d/ executing... ]
**** Configure Flatpak ****
mount: /proc: permission denied.
       dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.

I´m heading the same issue and completely stuck...are here any news about it?


I´m heading the same issue and completely stuck...are here any news about it?


Would you be able to jump on discord and post something there about the issue? This would have to be something to do with the host configuration.

I was having this issue trying to deploy the container on my TrueNAS system via a TrueCharts customapp, setting the user to run as root and enabling privileged mode got me past this.


I use VPS with root user login. In Ubuntu 20.04 LTS OS

But this is not the problem because the script runs in docker, which uses its own os docker image and its own permissions.

You misunderstand, I set the docker user to root inside the container.

@Renari, oh yeah, that will work. Thanks for the help