

Closed this issue · 1 comments

The code seems to be mostly correct, but there is a small error in the pragma statement. The correct pragma statement for the version 0.8.20 of Solidity is pragma solidity ^0.8.0;. Here's the corrected code:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import {ERC20Initializable} from "./lib/ERC20Initializable.sol";


  • @title MCV2_Token

  • @dev A token contract that implements a bonding curve and allows minting and burning of tokens.
    contract MCV2_Token is ERC20Initializable {
    error MCV2_Token__AlreadyInitialized();
    error MCV2_Token__PermissionDenied();

    bool private _initialized; // false by default
    address public bond; // Bonding curve contract should have its minting permission


    • @dev Initializes the token contract with the provided name and symbol.

    • @param name_ The name of the token.

    • @param symbol_ The symbol of the token.
      function init(string calldata name_, string calldata symbol_) external {
      if(_initialized) revert MCV2_Token__AlreadyInitialized();
      _initialized = true;

      name = name;
      symbol = symbol;
      bond = _msgSender();

    modifier onlyBond() {
    if (bond != _msgSender()) revert MCV2_Token__PermissionDenied();


    • @dev Mint tokens by the bonding curve contract.
    • Minting should also provide liquidity to the bonding curve contract.
    • @param to The address to which the minted tokens will be transferred.
    • @param amount The amount of tokens to mint.
      function mintByBond(address to, uint256 amount) external onlyBond {
      _mint(to, amount);


    • @dev Burns tokens by the bonding curve contract.
    • Burning tokens affects the bonding curve.
    • Users can simply send tokens to the token contract address for the same burning effect without changing the totalSupply.
    • @param account The address from which the tokens will be burned.
    • @param amount The amount of tokens to burn.
      function burnByBond(address account, uint256 amount) external onlyBond {
      _spendAllowance(account, bond, amount); // msg.sender is always bond
      _burn(account, amount);

Your comment and reasoning don't make sense. Closing as invalid.