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Using loops with Bicep! 💪 – Stefan Ivemo – A blog about Microsoft Azure, Microsoft 365 and other tech stuff.
With 💪Bicep v0.3 we finally got loop support and now we can start to do some really cool stuff using Bicep. I must say I really like the new loop syntax, it’s clean, easy to read and removes a lot of the complexity we did see in ARM template copy loops. This post is dedicated to copy loops where I will show some different examples on how you can use loops in Bicep. The Bicep Loops specification can be found here.
I am still unable to get my code to work using loops. Is this because I am creating a loop of properties inside a loop of arrays. I have a loop of multiple arrays that have variable length arrays of properties within. In other words am I trying to create a loop that is still not supported?, or it should work but there is something wrong with my code or environment? Bicep version 4.63 and I get this error, BCP124 "Property value for-expression cannot be nested." Is there a work around?
backendAddressPools: [for be in ApplicationGatewayBack: {
name: be.ApplicationGatewayBackName
properties: {
backendAddresses: [for ip in be.ApplicationGatewayBKIP: {
ipAddress: ip.ipaddress
Hello Stefan, thank you for this post, it was really usefull ! I'd like your opinion about using loops at the resource level. Let's say you deploy 10 vnets with a loop. Then, in another resource you want to reference a special vnet, you will need to know the index of the array output which is not convenient at all. Maybe I miss something. What do you think ?
Something you don't seem to cover is a group of objects inside an object.
The loop to create this:
azureStorageAccounts: {
fileshare1: {
type: 'AzureFiles'
accountName: 'yyyyy'
shareName: 'fileshare1'
mountPath: '/fileshare1'
accessKey: 'xxx'
fileshare2: {
type: 'AzureFiles'
accountName: 'yyyyy'
shareName: 'fileshare2'
mountPath: '/var/www/html/fileshare2'
accessKey: 'xxx'
is not documented anywhere that I can find.
I can find examples to create an array of objects, but not an object filled with objects.
I don't know this will help anyone, but I think I got around my problem as follows.
I declared an array of arrays.
ApplicationGatewayBack: [
ApplicationGatewayBackName: '${Environment}-hub-agw-Back-01'
ApplicationGatewayBKIP: [
ipaddress: 'x.x.x.x'
ipaddress: 'x.x.x.x'
And I call those arrays like this
backendAddressPools: [for pools in ApplicationGatewayBack: {
name: pools.ApplicationGatewayBackName
properties: {
backendAddresses: pools.ApplicationGatewayBKIP
Thank you, these are very good examples and good information.
I wonder if number 5 would still work with Types
param vnets vnetsType, then the param is defined in the .bicepparam file.
I am stuck on the same issue which @edgreenberg mentioned.
azureStorageAccounts: {
fileshare1: {
type: 'AzureFiles'
accountName: 'yyyyy'
shareName: 'fileshare1'
mountPath: '/fileshare1'
accessKey: 'xxx'
fileshare2: {
type: 'AzureFiles'
accountName: 'yyyyy'
shareName: 'fileshare2'
mountPath: '/var/www/html/fileshare2'
accessKey: 'xxx'
Has anyone found a way to loop this yet?
Hope that you are doing well.
I am stuck on a similar issue. Trying to filter a specific value from Output.
Here my config
param groupUsage array = [
resource entraIdGroup 'Microsoft.Graph/groups@v1.0' = [for usage in groupUsage: {
displayName: toUpper('appgrp_${prRegionCode}${productName}${usage}${env}')
mailEnabled: false
mailNickname: toUpper('appgrp${prRegionCode}${productName}${usage}${env}')
securityEnabled: true
uniqueName: toUpper('appgrp${prRegionCode}${productName}${usage}_${env}')
members: members
owners: GroupOwner
output aadGroupPro array = [for (usage, i) in groupUsage: {
aadGroupUsage: usage
aadGroupName: entraIdGroup[i].uniqueName
aadGroupId: entraIdGroup[i].id
I'm trying to filter the output to get the group Id of the group containing the word "admins".
I try this with no success
first(filter(entraIdGroup.outputs.aadGroupPro, x => x.aadGroupUsage == 'admins')).id
Can you help please.