SICSS 2023 Berlin

The Summer Institute will be held at the Berlin Social Science Center (WZB).

Find further information about the key note speakers and their talks on our speakers page.

Week 1

Monday (7/3) Tuesday (7/4) Wednesday (7/5) Thursday (7/6) Friday (7/7)
9.00-10.30 Introduction Collecting digital trace data Data cleanup Text Analysis I Text Analysis II
Room: B002 B002 B002 B001 B002
10.30-11.00 Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
11.00-12.30 Collaborating using Git Exercise Exercise Exercise Exercise
Room: B002 B001/B002 B002/Wintergarten B001/B002 B001/B002
12.30-13.30 Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break
13.30-14.45 Ethics Exercise Exercise Exercise Speaker: Christian Rau
Room: A310 B001/B002 B002/Wintergarten B001/Wintergarten A310
14.45-15.00 Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break Coffee break
15.00-16.30 Speaker: Helena Mihaljevic Speaker: Elizabeth Bruch Speaker: Sebastian Zezulka Speaker: Sophia Hunger Group projects (finding teams)
Room: A310 A310 A310 B001 B002
16.30 + Welcome dinner: Pizza

Week 2

Monday (7/10) Tuesday (7/11) Wednesday (7/12) Thursday (7/13)
9.00-9.30 Project status update Project status update Project status update Project presentations and discussion
Room: B002 B002 B002 B002
9.30-12.30 Work on group projects Work on group projects Work on group projects Project presentations and discussion
Room: B001/B002 B001/B002 B001/B002 B002
12.30-13.30 Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break Lunch break
13.30-15.30 Work on group projects Work on group projects Work on group projects Project presentations and discussion
Room: B001/B002 B001/B002 B001/B002 B002
15.30-16.30 Project status update Project status update Project status update Project presentations and discussion
Room: B002 B002 B002 B002
16.30 + Farewell dinner