Question: Is this compatible with m1 MacOS?
aelbore opened this issue ยท 4 comments
I believe it is not. The procedures herein rely on virtualbox, which doesn't support Apple Silicon. It's possible it could be made to work with VMWare or Parallels or UTM, which can run Windows VMs, but I wouldn't know how to do that.
Today I learned that UTM is backed by qemu, which has a vagrant provider. I tried spinning up the box using qemu, but without success (reasonably, because the images haven't been built):
$ brew install qemu vagrant
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-qemu
windows-docker-machine main $ vagrant up --provider qemu 2019-box
Bringing machine '2019-box' up with 'qemu' provider...
==> 2019-box: Box 'StefanScherer/windows_2019_docker' could not be found. Attempting to find and install...
2019-box: Box Provider: libvirt
2019-box: Box Version: >= 0
==> 2019-box: Loading metadata for box 'StefanScherer/windows_2019_docker'
2019-box: URL:
The box you're attempting to add doesn't support the provider
you requested. Please find an alternate box or use an alternate
provider. Double-check your requested provider to verify you didn't
simply misspell it.
If you're adding a box from HashiCorp's Vagrant Cloud, make sure the box is
Name: StefanScherer/windows_2019_docker
Requested provider: ["libvirt"]
Maybe someone could build the box for the provider?
@jaraco I sort-of made it work, it's not as easy as just building the box.
For packer-windows you need the following changes:
diff --git a/windows_2019_docker.json b/windows_2019_docker.json
index 921e1e0..e6d89f0 100644
--- a/windows_2019_docker.json
+++ b/windows_2019_docker.json
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
"builders": [
- "accelerator": "kvm",
"boot_wait": "0s",
"communicator": "winrm",
"cpus": 2,
@@ -15,7 +14,8 @@
- "headless": true,
+ "headless": false,
+ "display": "cocoa",
"iso_checksum": "{{user `iso_checksum`}}",
"iso_url": "{{user `iso_url`}}",
"memory": "{{user `memory`}}",
@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@
"file=windows_2019_docker-qemu/{{ .Name }},if=virtio,cache=writeback,discard=ignore,format=qcow2,index=1"
+ [
+ "-drive",
+ "file=windows.iso,media=cdrom,index=2"
+ ],
"file={{ user `virtio_win_iso` }},media=cdrom,index=3"
is not supported on m1 qemu (for obvious reasons),headless
turns of headless mode for packer. Without them it's really hard to tell if it's working, the build took 12 hours on my machine, so I highly recommend enabling itwindows.iso
is a copy ofiso_url
downloaded locally. Specifying any drives overrides default config, and machine won't boot (no way to tell this in headless mode), so windows iso needs to be here specifically. You can see details here StefanScherer/packer-windows#270 (comment)
Then vagrant box add windows_2019_docker
will add the box.
I had to change vagrant-qemu code. These lines should be
host_ip = ""
# host_ip = "#{options[:host_ip]}:" if options[:host_ip]
guest_ip = ""
# guest_ip = "#{options[:guest_ip]}:" if options[:guest_ip]
my version of qemu wasn't happy about host in port forwarding rules.
Vagrant file changes are:
diff --git a/Vagrantfile b/Vagrantfile
index 2a711bf..cd88469 100644
--- a/Vagrantfile
+++ b/Vagrantfile
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", disabled: true
home = ENV['HOME'].gsub('\\', '/')
- config.vm.synced_folder home, home
+ config.vm.synced_folder home, home, type: "smb", smb_host: ""
+ "forwarded_port", guest: 2376, host: 2376
config.vm.define "2016", autostart: false do |cfg| = "windows_2016_docker"
@@ -107,6 +108,18 @@ Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
v.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--paravirtprovider", "hyperv"]
+ config.vm.provider "qemu" do |v, override|
+ v.gui = false
+ v.memory = 2048
+ v.cpus = 2
+ v.linked_clone = true
+ v.arch = "x86_64"
+ v.machine = "pc"
+ v.cpu = "max"
+ v.net_device = "virtio-net-pci"
+ v.qemu_dir = "/nix/store/azrccc44b425xh1v5bk9sxi2hf15v8mj-qemu-7.0.0/share/qemu/"
+ end
config.vm.provider "hyperv" do |v|
v.cpus = 2
v.maxmemory = 2048
specified because ping is not implement somehow, as described in the vagrant-qemu's READMEforwarded_port
I added to easily open docker's tcp port. This wouldn't get tricky if you want to run more than one box, but also can be avoided if network is properly setup. But this was the easiest path forward for meqemu_dir
is set to/opt/homebrew/share/qemu
by default, if you're using aarch64 homebrew, you can probably keep the default. I had to change it to my installation
I also changed .ps1
script to set machine ip to
(forwarded port):
diff --git a/scripts/create-machine.ps1 b/scripts/create-machine.ps1
index 174cacb..ab60c31 100644
--- a/scripts/create-machine.ps1
+++ b/scripts/create-machine.ps1
@@ -9,13 +9,14 @@ if (!(Test-Path $env:USERPROFILE\.docker)) {
$ipAddresses = ((Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4).IPAddress) -Join ','
if (!$machineIp) {
- $machineIp=(Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 `
- | Where-Object -FilterScript { `
- ( ! ($_.InterfaceAlias).StartsWith("vEthernet (") ) `
- -And $_.IPAddress -Ne "" `
- -And $_.IPAddress -Ne "" `
- -And !($_.IPAddress.StartsWith("169.254.")) `
- }).IPAddress
+ $machineIp=""
+ # $machineIp=(Get-NetIPAddress -AddressFamily IPv4 `
+ # | Where-Object -FilterScript { `
+ # ( ! ($_.InterfaceAlias).StartsWith("vEthernet (") ) `
+ # -And $_.IPAddress -Ne "" `
+ # -And $_.IPAddress -Ne "" `
+ # -And !($_.IPAddress.StartsWith("169.254.")) `
+ # }).IPAddress
} else {
$ipAddresses = "$ipAddresses,$machineIp"
I was able to run docker after these changes:
windows-docker-machine]$ docker context ls
2019 moby 2019 windows-docker-machine tcp://
windows-docker-machine]$ docker --context 2019 run --rm -it
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.3287]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 4607-C090
Directory of C:\
04/21/2022 06:12 PM 5,510 License.txt
I hope that helps.