
2019-box is different in configuration from 2019 self-build

gabyx opened this issue · 1 comments

gabyx commented

When I build the 2019 in packer-windows with

packer build --only=virtualbox-iso windows_2019_docker.json

and then run vagrant up --provider virtualbox 2019 in this repo, the virtual machine is up an running but
docker context list shows

NAME                TYPE                DESCRIPTION                               DOCKER ENDPOINT                                        KUBERNETES ENDPOINT   ORCHESTRATOR
2019 *              moby                2019 windows-docker-machine               tcp://:2376
2019-box            moby                2019-box windows-docker-machine           tcp://

which has no ip. The 2019-box however works (also with docker from the host).
Not sure why the network settings are different. 2019 only has some Adapter 1 with NAT and the 2019-box uses another host only network:


amotl commented

Dear Gabriel,

do you think GH-86 could be responsible for this regression? What happens if you add back that line at

With kind regards,