
Design Simple AI System

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In order to test the combat system, we need a simple AI system so that the opponent player can play some cards.

AI System

  • On opponent's turn, AI System chooses a card from their hand to play
    • If no cards can be played, the AI skips their turn

Play Priority

The AI System should choose from available cards in the following order:

  • If a building can be placed, place it
    • Explore if smart tile selection for placed buildings/units is simple to implement
      • Tile selection is now scored based on proximity to relevant resource
        • Do not place building if score is too low.
  • If a villager can be played, play it
    • Explore if we can easily determine whether to play a villager in a build where it will actually gather resources
  • If a military unit can be played, play it
    • Explore if some heuristic can be derived for where to play the unit (e.g. close to resources with villagers on them, or towards enemy)