An add-on to easily import shots, with their corresponding tracking datas and LiDAR scans recorded with the Omniscient iOS app, into Blender.
The Omniscient Blender addon is compatible with Blender 3.0 and above.
To install the Omniscient Blender addon, you have two choices:
- Go to the Omniscient Importer add-on page.
- Click on the "Get Add-on" button.
- Download the latest release from the releases page.
- In Blender, go to Edit > Preferences > Add-ons.
- Click the Install button and select the downloaded file.
- Enable the add-on by checking the box next to it in the list of installed add-ons.
To use the Omniscient Blender addon, follow these steps:
- Launch the Omniscient iOS app and capture your shots.
- Export the videos, cameras and geometries from the app.
- In Blender, go to File > Import > Omniscient (.omni).
- Select the exported .omni file.
- The tracked data will be imported in the scene.
To package the addon into a zip file, use the script provided in the repository.
For support with the Omniscient Blender addon, please contact us through our website or open an issue on the GitHub repository.
We welcome contributions to the Omniscient Blender addon.
Please follow Flake8 rules to ensure code quality and consistency.
To check the compliance of your code with Flake8 rules, follow these steps:
Install Flake8:
python -m pip install flake8
Run Flake8 on your code:
flake8 .
The Omniscient Blender addon is licensed under the GPL License.