
Hello. I want to know how to use RLs into unity3d-mlagent.

Closed this issue · 9 comments

I have read your project,but i do not know how to use in mlagent.please teach me,thanks.

  1. follow the docs in official released ml-agents to build your custom training environment.
  2. type python -u to invoke the default PPO algorithm to interact with Unity Editor
  3. press Start button in Unity Editor to establish a connection for your algorithm and environment.

ok,i will have a try,thank you

do you have wechat ,can i got it,it will communicate with you more convenient

sorry, you could contact me by e-mail: if you need more help.

ok,thank you

why my training has this problem,I use this command-"python -u -a ppo -n run_with_unity" and start unity.

@strikeman1 Sorry, I totally have no idea about your problem encountered, there is no package named "naming" that is used in this repo. Maybe you could try pip install -e .[unity] and then start your training, or you could try the code in branch dev.

BTW, if you have any questions, plz reopen this issue or create a new one so as I could get it timely.

sry,I know,thx,I have a try

and I want to ask you other question,this project use GPU? I have GPU installed,but it remain have this question
new question