
[FR] - manual/override start schedule & randomizer

Opened this issue · 1 comments

really love your cron scheduler and switched over from bigtimer.

only two things I am missing is:

a) some way to manual start a schedule by injecting a topic - would be very handy for testing.
b) some sort of randomizer eg start +- 15 mins

otherwise this piece of software is really GREAT!

Hi Steve- thanks for showing me this wonderful contrib over on the NR forum. It's really well designed.

Looks like you added an inject button further to the above post. However it seems when you add more than one cron item within the node, that button seems to disappear. Is that by design?

EDIT: I just RTFMd and saw this: "Inject-like button to fire the node (available when only one schedule is added)". Looks like it's by design.

Cheers, Mat