Simple Robot Collision Avoidance Sketch


The robot will move around a room, avoiding obstacles using the Forwards Ultrasonic Sensor, as per the following state machine diagram:


Unit Tests

The unit tests are controlled by the constant RUN_UNIT_TESTS which in turn applies conditional compilation using the preprocessing directives #ifdef #ifndef and #endif. You either run the unit tests using #define RUN_UNIT_TESTS or you run the robot program. You can not run both at the same time. This is because the unit tests start to run after the first call to moveRobot() resulting in the failure of the first assertion in test(ReadyToPingForward).

Another issue with the unit tests is that you cannot predict the order that the tests will run. For this reason, there are a number of assertions in test(ReadyToPingForward) to ensure the assertions are run in the correct order.

Changes in Student version

Now compare this code with the repository to see the following issues:

  1. Redundant code - "enum lunch {..."
  2. Poor indentation - "in isOkToMoveForwards()"
  3. Function name with inconsistent case - "void LEFT(int speed)"
  4. Remove ; on unit test - "in test(returnPreviousForwardDistance). Will compile until you #define RUN_UNIT_TESTS"
  5. Constant in lower case - "Forward_Min_Distance"
  6. Using magic numbers - "150 used in moveRobot() instead of MOTOR_SPEED"
  7. Unnecessary comments - "in moveRobot() - which is now FSM()"
  8. Poor function naming - "renamed moveRobot() to FSM()"
  9. Spelling mistake in - "The robert will move around a room ..."
  10. Redundant syntax - "unnessary brackets after return statements"
  11. Redundant/duplicate code - "no need for first return statement in sonicForwardDistance() just falls through to same return statement"
  12. Readability - "no spaces between operators in isOkToMoveFowards()"