Block Directory Block Health Check

This project will run E2E tests to make sure a block is passing basic Gutenberg tests.

To run the tests locally…

Install Block Testing Framework

npm ci

Configure & Start Environment

npm run wp-env start

Modify folder permissions

docker exec -t $( docker ps -qf "name=tests" ) chmod -R 767 /var/www/html/wp-content

Run End to End Tests

PLUGIN_SLUG=my-block-plugin npm run test:e2e

For interactive tests

PLUGIN_SLUG=my-block-plugin npm run test:e2e:interactive

To trigger the actions on GitHub

  1. Generate a personal token in Settings > Developer Settings > Personal Access Tokens

  2. Use the token to trigger a github action via API (replace the {account}/{repo} with your fork):

    curl -H "Authorization: token $GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN" -H 'Accept: application/vnd.github.everest-preview+json' "{account}/{repo}/dispatches" -d '{"event_type": "Test Block", "client_payload": {"slug": "plugin-slug" }}'

  3. The action will appear in the "Actions" section of your repo.