
Add error message parsing to Google API call

StevenWeathers opened this issue · 0 comments

Add error message parsing to Google API Call to better log what happened

if ($Result -like "good*") {
            $splitResult = $Result.split(" ")
            $newIp = $splitResult[1]
            Write-Verbose "IP successfully updated for $subAndDomain to $newIp."
        if ($Result -like "nochg*") {
            $splitResult = $Result.split(" ")
            $newIp = $splitResult[1]
            Write-Verbose "No change to IP for $subAndDomain (already set to $newIp)."
        if ($Result -eq "badauth") {
            Throw "The username/password you providede was not valid for the specified host."
        if ($Result -eq "nohost") {
            Throw "The hostname you provided does not exist, or dynamic DNS is not enabled."
        if ($Result -eq "notfqdn") {
            Throw "The supplied hostname is not a valid fully-qualified domain name."
        if ($Result -eq "badagent") {
            Throw "You are making bad agent requests, or are making a request with IPV6 address (not supported)."
        if ($Result -eq "abuse") {
            Throw "Dynamic DNS access for the hostname has been blocked due to failure to interperet previous responses correctly."
        if ($Result -eq "911") {
            Throw "An error happened on Google's end; wait 5 minutes and try again."