
separate P_Grid accessory data into positive and negative

wayn3 opened this issue · 2 comments

wayn3 commented

The API object 'P_Grid' is a signed integer however when adding to Homekit it is displayed as an unsigned integer, it would be nice to be able to split positive and negative values out into 2 discrete accessories
-P_Grid = Live Grid Export
+P_Grid = Live Grid Import

From here it would be awesome to have a daily tally of grid imported and grid exported values
I haven't investigated if this would be possible to get these import/export tallies with a direct API call but I'll look into it

Stog commented

Yes I am part way through building in functionality to provide a live grid consumption or feed in to grid, this should be ready soon. However from the API documentation I don't see any easy way of getting a daily import/export total.

wayn3 commented

Had a bit of a look and I also don't see any easy way to pull the data from the API, might it be possible to log the data using fakegato-history.

As well as this it might be worth having an additional sensor trigger when reaching a certain amount of grid feed is achieved, ie. maxing out.

This way we could trigger actions based on energy now being wasted/discarded.