
A command line application that computes file checksums for a file tree and can verify file integrity against the same tree or at a new base directory.

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

File Integrity Tracker (fit)

fit is a command line application that computes file checksums for a file tree and can verify file integrity against the same tree at the original base directory or a new base directory.

fit can run in two modes - to scan a file tree and record file checksums in a SQLite database and to scan the same file tree, possibly at a different base file path, in order to verify file checksums against those stored in the SQLite database.

File Tree Scanning Options

The options to scan a file tree are the same for both scanning modes and are as follows:

  • -d c:\path\to\target

    Points to a directory to scan. If omitted, current directory is scanned. May be used multiple times to scan more than one directory under the same base path.

  • -p c:\path\to

    Specifies the base path that will be removed from file paths under the the scanned directory, when stored in the database.

    If omitted, full source path will be recorded in the database and only the original file tree can be verified.

    For example, if a user stores their pictures and videos under C:\Users\Alice\Pictures and C:\Users\Alice\Videos, and these directories are copied to an external drive, under X:\Alice\, then a base path C:\Users may be used to record checksums for pictures and videos and a base path X:\ may be used to verify file copies on the external drive.

  • -b c:\path\to\database\file

    Points to a SQLite database file fit will use to record and verify file checksums.

  • -r

    When specified, tells fit to scan the directory named via -d and all of its sub-directories.

  • -w

    This option instructs fit to compare the file modification time against the time stored in the SQLite database for each file as an indicator whether the file was changed or not, rather than to compute checksums. This option was originally intended to recover from an interrupted scan, but using the -u option works better for this.

  • -u

    This option instructs fit to update the last scanset instead of creating a new one. A typical use of this option will be to continue an interrupted scan or process multiple directories separately, but keep them within the same scanset.

    When this option is used, all other options must be exactly the same as was in the original scan, including their order.

    The scan completion time will be updated after each -u run and should not be considered as the scan duration for repeated scans with the -u option.

  • -i 10

    Sets the time interval in seconds to report scanning progress. If zero is specified, number of processed files is not reported during a scan.

  • -l path\to\log_file.log

    An optional path to a log file that captures console messages. Console messages written to standard output and standard error will be prefixed with inf and err, respectively.

  • -s file-buffer-size

    Defines the size of the file read buffer, rounded up to either 512 or 4096 bytes. The default value is 524288 bytes.

  • -a

    This option instructs fit to skip directories with restricted access, which by default would interrupt a scan. The default behavior makes presence of such directories visible, so it can be decided whether to skip them using this option or examine reasons why there are such directories in the file tree being scanned.

    Note, however, that it may not be possible to report restricted directory names, so some other means need to be used to figure which specific directories cannot be accessed.

  • -X .ext[.ext]...

    This option provides a list of EXIF file extensions. The default list is .jpg.jpeg.cr2.dng.nef.tiff.tif.heif.webp.

    When used without a value, disables EXIF processing altogether.

  • -J

    This option instructs fit to store EXIF values obtained from the Exiv2 library as JSON in the database.

  • -t 4

    Number of threads used for hashing and updating file information in the database. The default value is 4 threads.

  • -H 8

    Maxumum number of multi-buffer hash jobs being performed at the same time. Multi-buffer hashing takes advantage of processor instructions that apply the same operation against multiple sets of different data. The default value is 8 buffers.

    Note that each multi-buffer hash job requires an open file handle, so the maximum number of simultaneously opened file handles may be exceded for some combinations of -t and -H options, which will be indicated by errors reporting that too many files are open.

    This option is not available if the project is built with the symbol NO_SSE_AVX defined.

  • -S Windows | POSIX

    A path separator to be used to query the database when verifying files. This option is intended for verifying files locally on a different platform. For example, a scan performed on Windows may be verified on a Samba server running on Linux via local file paths.

    Note that absolute paths cannot be verified this way because drive letters or leading path separators will fail to match when queried on different platforms.

  • -v

    Scans the file tree and reports added, modified or changed files. This option cannot detect removed files.

    If a scan number provided as a value, the file tree will be verified against that scan.

Scanning a File Tree

Scanning a file tree without the -v option will record computed checksums in the specified SQLite database.

Multiple directories may be specified in a single scan, so they are recorded in the same scan in the SQLite database. For example, for a drive that stores pictures and videos in separate root folders, such as X:\Pictures and X:\Videos, scanning those folders as -d X:\Pictures -d X:\Videos avoids scanning system folders X:\System Volume Information and X:\$RECICLE.BIN, if -d X:\ was used.

Alternatively, an existing scan may be updated via -u, with some restrictions, which may be useful for splitting long scans. See -u option for more details.

Note that scanning a file tree multiple times without -u or -w option will record multiple independent scans, which may yield unexpected results during verifiction. For example, if X:\Pictures and X:\Videos are scanned independently, in this order, and then when X:\ is being verified, all files from X:\Pictures will be reported as new files because they were not present in the last scan of X:\Videos.

Verifying a File Tree

Scanning a file tree with the -v option will compare computed checksums against those stored in the SQLite database during the last scan.

Files with mismatching or missing checksums will be reported with three labels:

  • new file

    This file was picked up by a file tree scan, but was not found in the database.

  • modified

    This file was found in the database and its new checksum does not match that of the database record and the current file modification time is not equal to the one in the database record.

    The current file modification time may be ahead or behind the database time if a file was modified or restored from a backup. No distinction is made between these two cases.

  • changed

    This file was found in the database and its new checksum did not match that of the database record, but the file modification time is the same as the one in the database record.

    This means that the file changed outside of the usual file editing applications, which typically update file modification time. For example, disk corruption or direct disk access may change file contents without updating file modification time.

With scans performed by fit 2.0.0 and newer, it is also possible to verify which files were changed between scans comparing scan sets in the database. For example, files changed between scans 11 and 12 may be listed with this command:

sqlite3 -line -cmd ".param set @SCAN_ID 12" sqlite.db < sql/list-changed-files.sql

Files with version 1 were added in the specified scan and contents of files with greater versions were changed.

Scan Performance

Scan speed in initial fit releases mostly depended on the number of threads and the hash buffer size, so it was easier to estimate scan performance in different configurations. However, as more features were added, it became harder to predict scan performance based on configuration parameters.

This section describes various configuration parameters that affect scan performance and may be useful for fine-tuning scan speed before large scans. In general, it might be a good idea to run a test scan against a sample directory using a throw-away database.

Multiple files are scanned in parallel using -t threads. Each thread has its own EXIF reader, a file hasher and a set of scan buffers.

Using more threads increases parallelism, but also increases contention for shared resources, such as disk and database. In general, 1-2 threads will work better for magnetic drives and 8-16 threads will work better for solid state drives.

Keeping the SQLite database on a different disk from the one being scanned should be the default approach because otherwise scan performance will visibly deteriorate.

Each scan thread maintains its own set of hashing buffers, so each scan thread will open -H files, will read -s bytes from each file, and will hash this amount in parallel, reading more data, -s bytes at a time, as hashing progresses. This means that only hashing is done in parallel on a single scan thread, while files are being read one at a time, which may improve scan speed against drives that provide slower random access.

Increasing buffer size via larger -s values may help to improve scan speed against large files, such as video and image files in RAW format, which may be stored sequentially on disk, but may also create more disk activity for fragmented files because of the increased disk seeking.

Antivirus software can significantly slow down scans if the target directory contains many executables or libraries because file open operations are typically intercepted for these types of files. The difference may be as much as scanning at 19 MB/s with the antivirus being active vs. 75 MB/s with the target directory temporarily added to the exclusion list for the duration of the scan. Don't forget to remove the exclusion after the scan.

SQLite Database

The SQLite database contains tables described in this section.

All text fields are stored as UTF-8 characters. Note that all text comparisons in SQLite are case-sensitive and ABC will not compare equal to abc. Moreover, if case-insensitive collation is used in queries, it will only work with ASCII characters and will not apply across all Unicode characters.

Scans Table

The scans table contains a record for each run of fit without the -v option and has the following fields:


    SQLite maintains this column automatically by aliasing rowid.

  • app_version TEXT NOT NULL

    Version of the application that generated this scan record.

  • scan_time INTEGER NOT NULL

    Number of seconds since 1970-01-01, UTC of the time when the scan was started. Use this expression to output it as a calendar time in SQLite shell.

    datetime(scan_time, 'unixepoch')
  • completed_time INTEGER NULL

    Number of seconds since 1970-01-01, UTC of the time the scan was completed. May be updated by subsequent scans with the -u option.

  • base_path TEXT

    The base path, derived from the -p option.

  • options TEXT NOT NULL

    Command line options used for this scan.

  • message TEXT

    A text message to describe this scan. If omitted, NULL is stored.

Versions Table

The versions table contains a record per scanned file that has a different hash value from the previous version of the same file. This table has following fields:


    A version record identifier aliasing rowid.

  • file_id INTEGER NOT NULL

    A file identifier for this version record. Multiple versions of the same file path have the same file_id value.

  • version INTEGER NOT NULL

    File record version. Starts with 1 and is incremented every time a new hash value is computed for this file path. Previous file version records are kept intact.

    The last version is always used when comparing file checksums during scans.

  • mod_time INTEGER NOT NULL

    File modification time, in seconds since 1970-01-01, UTC. Use this expression to output it as a calendar time in SQLite shell.

    datetime(scan_time, 'unixepoch')
  • entry_size INTEGER NOT NULL

    A file size, in bytes, as reported by a directory entry for this file.

  • read_size INTEGER NOT NULL

    A file size, in bytes, as computed while reading the file until there is no more data. In most cases this value will be exactly as stored in entry_size, unless either the file or the directory entry was updated after it was read by the file scanner.

  • exif_id INTEGER NULL

    An EXIF record identifier for this file version record. This value is set to NULL for file versions that do not have EXIF data associated with them.

  • hash_type VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL

    File checksums are computed as a SHA-256 hash in the current version of the application, so this column will always be set to SHA256.

  • hash TEXT

    A file checksum value in hex format using lowercase characters for letters abcdef. A hash will be NULL for zero-length files.

Files Table

The files table contains a record per file path. Multiple versions of the same file reference the same file record.


    A file record identifier aliasing rowid.

  • name TEXT NOT NULL

    File name without file path. This field is only useful for file name queries and it will contain numerous duplicates across multiple file path versions and files with the same name located in different directories.

    This field is not indexed and a full table scan will be performed for every query that uses the file name as the only criteria. It is useful for file name queries to avoid a LIKE clause against the file path that compares just the file name at the end of the path.

  • ext TEXT NULL

    File extension, including the leading dot, as reported by the underlying file system layer.

  • path TEXT NOT NULL

    A file path with the base path removed, if a base path is used.

    File paths are versioned and the latest version should be selected to obtain the record for the most recent scan.

Scansets Table

The scansets table contains a record per scanned file, whether there is a new version of the file detected or not.


    A scan set record identifier aliasing rowid.

  • scan_id INTEGER NOT NULL

    A scan record identifier.

  • version_id INTEGER NOT NULL

    A file version record identifier.

This table represents the set of files scanned in a single fit run.

EXIF Table

Files with extensions in the list below are also scanned for EXIF information.

.jpg .jpeg .png .cr2 .dng .nef .tiff .tif .heif .webp

If EXIF data is found in the file being scanned, EXIF values listed below are recorded in the exif table.

  • BitsPerSample, Compression, DocumentName, ImageDescription,
  • Make, Model, Orientation, SamplesPerPixel,
  • Software, DateTime, Artist, Copyright,
  • ExposureTime, FNumber, ExposureProgram, ISOSpeedRatings,
  • SensitivityType, ISOSpeed, TimeZoneOffset, DateTimeOriginal,
  • DateTimeDigitized, OffsetTime, OffsetTimeOriginal, OffsetTimeDigitized,
  • ShutterSpeedValue, ApertureValue, SubjectDistance, BrightnessValue,
  • ExposureBiasValue, MaxApertureValue, MeteringMode, LightSource,
  • Flash, FocalLength, UserComment, SubsecTime,
  • SubSecTimeOriginal, SubSecTimeDigitized, FlashpixVersion, FlashEnergy,
  • SubjectLocation, ExposureIndex, SensingMethod, SceneType,
  • ExposureMode, WhiteBalance, DigitalZoomRatio, FocalLengthIn35mmFilm,
  • SceneCaptureType, DeviceSettingDescription, SubjectDistanceRange, ImageUniqueID,
  • CameraOwnerName, BodySerialNumber, LensSpecification, LensMake,
  • LensModel, LensSerialNumber, GPSLatitudeRef, GPSLatitude,
  • GPSLongitudeRef, GPSLongitude, GPSAltitudeRef, GPSAltitude,
  • GPSTimeStamp, GPSSpeedRef, GPSSpeed, GPSDateStamp
  • XMP.xmp.Rating

See this page for EXIF tag descriptions:


Most EXIF values are recorded as-is, without translating them into human-readable formats. For example, ExposureProgram is recorded as an integer, not as Manual, Aperture priority, etc.

Single numeric values are stored as integers and decimal values are stored as strings or string lists. For example, GPSLongitude is recorded in EXIF as 3 decimal values, which are stored in the exif table as text similar to 79 36 4.1143. ApertureValue, on the other hand, is recorded as a decimal string 2.97, which can be used to compute FNumber as 2 ^ (2.97/2) = f/2.8.

EXIF values are experimental at this point and their format may change in the future.


If -J option was used, additional EXIF values obtained from the Exiv2 library are stored as JSON in the Exiv2Json column of the exif table.

Note that using -J option will significantly increase the size of the database. For example, a database containing scans of 207,208 files, 186,515 of which are photos with EXIF, will be approximately 125 MB in size. The same number of files scanned with the -J option will produce a database that is approximately 1,067 MB in size.

JSON values in this column may be different from text values described on the Exiv2 page above.

For example, Exif.GPSInfo.GPSLongitude is described as a sequence of 3 rational values formatted as ddd/1,mm/1,ss/1, by Exiv2. This value is stored in the exif.GPSLongitude column as a text value similar to 53 23 6.387 and translates into the longitude value of 53°23'06.4". The same value is stored in JSON as a sequence of numerator/denominator pairs, similar to this:


Inividual JSON values may be obtained from the Exiv2Json column using JSON functions in SQLite, which are described on this page.


For example, in order to obtain camera make and model, following JSON functions can be used in the SQL selection list.

json_extract(Exiv2Json, '$.Exif.Image.Make'),
json_extract(Exiv2Json, '$.Exif.Image.Model')

Names of the JSON fields are obtained from Exiv2 and will not correspond to field names obtained from different tools. For example, exiftool may show TimeZone in MakeNotes group or under MakerNoteCanon/TimeInfo/TimeZone in verbose mode, while Exiv2 will report it as Exif.CanonTi.TimeZone.

Exiv2 website is a good source of information about JSON schema, but a quick exploratory way to list keys in the Exiv2Json column for some file name is to run the list-exiv2json-fields.sql script, as shown below.

sqlite3 -box -cmd ".param set @FILEPATH _MG_2280.CR2" \
    sqlite.db < sql\list-exiv2json-fields.sql

Values from the Exiv2Json column can be used in SQL just like any other values. For example, in order to obtain count of images grouped by lens model recorded in Canon maker notes, this SQL can be used.

    count(*), json_extract(Exiv2Json, '$.Exif.Canon.LensModel')
FROM exif
    JOIN versions ON exif_id = exif.rowid
    JOIN files ON file_id = files.rowid
    JOIN scansets ON version_id = versions.rowid
WHERE scan_id = 2
GROUP by json_extract(Exiv2Json, '$.Exif.Canon.LensModel')

EXIF entries are limited to 12 elements in Exiv2Json to keep the size of this column manageable. Fields with more than 12 elements are discarded, which typically would affect entries such as Exif.Canon.DustRemovalData. Names of discarded entries are captured in the $._fit.oversized array.

Most of the values in Exiv2Json will be obtained from Exiv2 and may be different from the same values in the corresponding columns of the exif table. For example, $.Exif.Photo.DateTimeOriginal will contain an actual EXIF value, such as 2017:01:01 15:23:49, compared to 2017-01-01 15:23:49 stored in the DateTimeOriginal column.

EXIF fields that are supposed to contain ASCII values are validated as UTF-8 fields, which includes ASCII. Fields containing invalid UTF-8 sequences are discarded and their names are captured in the $._fit.bad_utf8 array.

Useful SQL

You can run SQL queries against the SQLite database using the SQLite shell. A few SQL scripts can be found in the sql directory. Those SQL scripts that do not require input can be executed as follows:

sqlite3 -line sqlite.db < sql/list-scans.sql

The -line switch lists each column on its own line. SQlite has a few more output options, such as -json, -csv or -box.

Scripts that require input may be executed as follows:

sqlite -line -cmd ".param set @FILENAME abc.txt" < sql/show-file-by-name.sql

See each script for available input values.

Upgrading Database

The database may occasionally be changed between application releases and needs to be upgraded before the new version of the application can work with the database file.

Database upgrades are not automatic and need to be performed manually via SQL script with matching from/to database schema versions in the sql directory. The source and target database versions are reported by fit when the database cannot be opened because of a database version mismatch.

Database versions must be updgraded sequentially, from the oldest version and until the desired version is reached. Use this command with the appropriate script to upgrade a database.

sqlite3 sqlite.db < upgrade-db_1.0-2.0.sql

Note that the database version is distinctly different from the application version and is changed only when the database schema is modified.

Some of the syntax used in upgrade scripts may be incompatible with older versions of SQLite. For example, prior to version 3.35.0 SQLite did not implement DROP COLUMN. Databases may be upgraded on different systems using a newer SQLite version in this case.

Upgrading Database v5.0 to v6.0

File version records in the database schema prior to v6.0 were maintained in native file system clock units, which were different between operating systems.

Starting from the database schema v6.0, which was released in fit v3.0.0, file version time stamps are maintained in seconds since 1970-01-01, UTC, which requires databases created by prior versions of fit to be upgraded, as described in this section.

File version time stamps cannot be updated via a single SQL statement because each time stamp must be adjusted according to the time zone settings. A special upgrade mode option is available in fit to perform this upgrade.

Note that due to potential number of records that must be updated, SQL transactions are not used for this update. Make sure to create a copy of the database file before running this upgrade, in case if the upgrade fails. If any errors are reported after the upgrade has started, the database will become unusable because it will be hard to distinguish updated time stamps from the original ones.

Run this command to upgrade the database schema v5.0 to v6.0. Make sure to run this command on the same operating system as was used for original scans.

fit --upgrade-schema=6.0 -b c:\path\to\database\file

This upgrade may take a long time, depending on the size of the database (e.g. on an average computer, it takes about 6 minutes to update 100,000 records).

fit will output a . for each 1000 records updated and will wrap each dotted line after 50,000 records to show progress.

Interrupting the upgrade process will render database unusable.

A note on id vs. rowid

Prior to v3.2.0, fit used rowid for all joins between entity tables. Given that fit never deletes records, using rowid didn't have any side effects.

That is, if some records are deleted and then VACUUM is used, rowid values may be reassigned to fill gaps in rowid sequences, which would likely break the referential integrity of the database and would make it unusable.

Starting from fit v3.2.0, id columns are added to alias rowid columns, which instructs SQLite to respect rowid values.

Both, rowid and id can be used interchangeably, so all existing SQL scripts will still work, without any changes.

Note, however, that existing databases cannot be updgraded to introduce the new primary key column because SQLite does not allow adding primary keys to existing tables. The existing schema will work as before, as long as no records are being deleted.



Current source requires Visual Studio 2022 to build. The project is set up to use Nuget packages for all dependencies.


Current source compiles on Linux, but very little testing is done to verify the results.

For a list of packages required to build the project on some of the Linux flavors, see Docker files in the devops directory.

Dependencies that are not available as development packages can be obtained with get-* scripts from the devops directory, such as devops/get-isa-l_crypto.


This application is licensed under BSD-3 terms. Read the LICENSE file in the application package for details.

3rd-Party Code

This application uses following 3rd-party libraries, licensed separately.


A SQL database management library.

LICENSE: Public Domain


A library for parsing EXIF data.



An implementation of the SHA-256 secure hash algorithm

LICENSE: Public Domain


A library to generate JSON.



Intel's (R) Intelligent Storage Acceleration Library Crypto Version.

LICENSE: BSD 3-Clause License


A C++ text formatting library.

LICENSE: https://github.com/fmtlib/fmt/blob/10.x/LICENSE