"Storage" tab filter/search breaks when switching between containers
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Version: beta release-758
When first starting the game, the storage tab filter/search works great.
However, with the newest feature of "saving" your filtered view, when you use the filter/search in one container, don't clear it (so it gets saved) and then open another container with the previous filter/search still active, the new container will have the text you entered, but no filtering applied. When you then try to change this new container's filter/search, nothing happens.
Only reloading the container will fix this.
When you filter/search something, but then clear it before closing the storage tab, the filter/search continues working even in other containers. So the new "saving feature" is what breaks this.
Thank you for submitting this bug report.
We were able to confirm this issue. A fixed should be rolled out in the future game updates.
Fixed in 11.1.2.