
have global candidate shifting

Opened this issue · 3 comments

"Just thinking out loud here, maybe it would be useful to have global <> buttons/selectors to be able to switch the candidates on the fly, while performing (shifting maybe?)."
Originally posted by @AtmanActive in #60 (comment)

I feel like there are a lot of interesting things that could be done in this vein, I personally would love to see "Candidate Mapping" or perhaps "Generator mapping", I'll call it. Essentially to be able to assign a midi octave to each generator, that way i can grab higher notes as i move up the keyboard, or create a few "soundsets", 1 in each octave. I feel this would make the instrument much more expressive, as would other options to use midi to change candidates mid performance, etc.

I like this idea! Another variation of it could be to make a key mapping envelope for each generator so that sounds can crossfade between each other as you play different octaves

Yeah that sounds awesome! Thanks for the response and for your work on the plugin, and for sharing it!