
reqwest is not optional with version 0.15.2 ?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I am trying to compile without reqwest(which has lot of dependency) and this the following code breaks the compilation.

"http" | "https" => {
feature = "resolve-http",
all(feature = "reqwest", feature = "rustls"),
r#"the `reqwest` feature alone does not enable HTTP schema resolving anymore.
Use the `resolve-http` feature which enables `native-tls` as well;
or both `reqwest` and `rustls` features together, if you prefer rustls."#

rust-v0.15.1 tag does not have this problem.

We seem to be experiencing this too

image (1)

Hi @samueldotj @silverjam

Sorry for the complication, I'll resolve it soon.

Hi @samueldotj @silverjam

Sorry for the complication, I'll resolve it soon.

Thank you!