
[python] ValueError: Unsupported type: 'collections.OrderedDict'

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Even though OrderedDict is a subclass of dict, passing it to jsonschema_rs functions raises an exception:

>>> import collections
>>> import jsonschema_rs
>>> jsonschema_rs.is_valid({"type": "object"}, collections.OrderedDict({}))
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: Unsupported type: 'collections.OrderedDict'

How hard would it be to support subclasses of dict?

Hi @rijenkii !
I'm also encountering this issue and would like to see jsonschema_rs handle this. I absolutely love the lib's performance, but this issue unfortunately is a show stopper for adoption in my projects.
I opened a PR to add compatibility for dict subclasses.

Released in 0.17.3 🎉