
Notification popup displays on fresh installation when should be off by default

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

The popup notification displays even though its supposed to be off by default (on a fresh installation). Toggling its settings tick box makes no difference. I went back to this great little util after getting a smart gaming TV. I think the bug must have been there many months ago when I was last using the util as I can remember notifications coming up. However on the new TV the popups makes the game lost focus and this causes all sorts of resolution problems. Previously I must have been running borderless but have to run in fullscreen on the new display.

Reproduction steps

Fresh install. Load game. Popup appears.

Expected behavior

Popup should be off by default.


  • OS: Windows 10 latest.
  • GHOST Buster Version: Latest.

Additional information

Thanks for the util !

Thanks for reporting the issue! This is fixed in GHOST Buster 2.0.1.

the popups makes the game lost focus and this causes all sorts of resolution problems. Previously I must have been running borderless but have to run in fullscreen on the new display.

Yes unfortunately the notification will make the game switch from exclusive fullscreen to borderless fullscreen.