
I couldn't find the build output

Closed this issue · 10 comments

Hey I followed the installation steps, appimagetool is in my path:

rigille@altissa:~$ appimagetool --version
appimagetool, continuous build (commit 8bbf694), build <local dev build> built on 2020-12-31 11:48:33 UTC

I did put

auto_link = true

inside my Cargo.toml. I can also run cargo appimage without errors, but after that the result looks exactly the same as running cargo build --release. I'm using Ubuntu 21.10. What could be the problem?

The finished appimage should be put in wherever the current working directory is, and build files can be found at ./target/{crate_name}.AppDir

other than that, I don't know why it's not building. Are you sure it didn't produce any errors?

@StratusFearMe21 I think I'm having the same problem. I just started to use it today so I don't know what to expect but I get no error messages and the output looks like a normal cargo build. I also tried adding -vv flag, didn't see anything wrong.

same here - might the issue be related to being in a cargo workspace?

I have the same issue. To reproduce you can use this project Navigate to appimage and run docker-compose up. The build process succeeds but doesn't produce an AppImage file.

Edit: Upon further investigation I noticed that it works with the container tagged as 1.59-appimage (thereby using rust 1.59.0). Could this be an issue related to compile versions?

I will rebuild the 1.59 container to test if it then still works. This would hint at an issue with rust versions >1.59.

I found that rebuilding the 1.59 image also results in the same issue. If I base the image of gtk4-rs-docker on fedora:35 instead of latest it still does not work.

ttytm commented

@StratusFearMe21 I think I'm having the same problem. I just started to use it today so I don't know what to expect but I get no error messages and the output looks like a normal cargo build. I also tried adding -vv flag, didn't see anything wrong.

same over here.

I ran into this issue and discovered the cause and fix: you must have your build target declared in cargo.toml, you can't simply use the implicit bin target.

Add the following to your cargo.toml:

name = "my_crate"
path = "src/"

I would consider this a bug that should be fixed.

Im so sorry about this, I haven't touched this crate in far too long. This is fixed

I've just pushed an update to