
Build error; Debian

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Build error; Debian

I get this error when building:

Error: No such file or directory (os error 2)

I have the appimagetool in my project root folder and an icon.png

Might be a problem with dependencies, I use this to package some images in the data folder

resources = ["src/data"]

File structure


Hi! Make sure you have the right build of appimagetool on your system. Unless you're running a Raspberry Pi, or another ARM based system, the build you're probably looking for is appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage and it can be found here

After that, make sure that appimagetool is in your path. To do this permanently, you'll want to move it where the rest of your apps are located

sudo mv appimagetool-x86_64.AppImage /usr/bin/appimagetool

After that, update cargo-appimage (the latest version has much more understandable errors)

cargo install cargo-appimage

Hi, when you said path I thought you ment the project root folder. I will put it in /usr/bin and try again when I get home.

In Linux, the $PATH refers to all the folders that your terminal looks through to find a program when you type a command. Running echo $PATH will list these folders.

Okay, I haven't used Linux for a few years now so it's been a while. Also, it works now, just one small note, what is the maximum icon resolution?

There isn't one