
Stremio platform banned from torrent website.

Opened this issue · 5 comments

Few months ago I published an addon for streaming from a popular torrent website.

This week a few users reported the addon no longer works properly.

I run some tests and found out downloading .torrent file manually and opening it with Stremio also doesn't work properly but it works fine with other streaming platforms.

This let's me think the issue is not in the addon itself but somewhere else.

I suppose website administer found out the addon and took measures to prevent it to play streams from their torrent website by banning Stremio somehow.

Can anything be done here?
Is this something new or it happened before with other torrent websites?

Hi @svetlozardraganov it is zamunad blocking Stremio client

Thanks for the confirmation @TRtomasz
Is there any way to workaround that?

@svetlozardraganov normally private trackers ban apps by either:

  • peer id, declared by the torrent engine, our's has a spoofed peer id though, so it seems unlikely
  • i have seen some private trackers ban apps that also use the DHT, normally DHT should not be used with private torrents, check this line: - it's good to use stream.sources to specify the exact trackers that should be used
  • maybe the website uses only torrent files now? the Stremio apps only support magnet links, so if a torrent file is set to "private", then the torrent file could not be retrieved from the swarm based on the magnet link, so the torrent download cannot be initiated
  • it could be that the website made some change to identify the http requests done to the tracker by the app and block those

i can't think of other ways that it could be blocked, but that doesn't mean there couldn't be others

@svetlozardraganov I just tried playing a movie from Zamunda and it worked, both the .torrent file and the magnet link. But then i tried a few others and they didn't work at all. But this one works consistently. I cannot figure out how and why this is happening.

Thanks for the provided updates.

Interestingly,for the last couple of days the addon as well as Stremio works fine again. I haven't changed anything on the addon-end, not sure if there is any change on Stremio side but everything works just fine.

This might be temporarily of course, we'll see what will happen.