Does not control the Bridge 3.0 controller lamp
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Commands report success but connected bulbs do not change state.
Note that the Android app to control bulbs works but the limitlessled app and my own python implementation (done before I found yours) also exhibit the same behaviour.
Also note that the server connection response message is slightly different to the API in the bytes between the connection ID and the MAC address.
DEBUG] start command1 : 00
[DEBUG] start command2 : ON
[DEBUG] received session message : 28000000110002F0FE6B14BA9E421422F00001350000
[DEBUG] sessionID1 : 35
[DEBUG] sessionID2 : 00
[DEBUG] cycle number : 00
[DEBUG] light command : 31 00 00 08 04 01 00 00 00
[DEBUG] zone : 00
[DEBUG] checksum : 3E
[DEBUG] sending command : 80 00 00 00 11 35 00 00 00 00 31 00 00 08 04 01 00 00 00 00 00 3E
[DEBUG] received message : 8800000003000000
I beleive that there is something extra required for this version of the bridge. I will check the limitless led page from time to time to see if it gets updated and will provide a patch if I find anything relevant or if you have any suggestions I can try them out locally.