
Javascript framework for mixing 2D and 3D

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Folder structure:

  • /voodoo - Voodoo project
  • /tools - Build engine

Within the voodoo project folder:

  • /config - Build settings
  • /samples - Examples
  • /src - Source code
  • /test - Unit tests

In addition, after building there will be these new folders:

  • /drop - Zip files for public sharing
  • /voodoo/build - Compiled Voodoo source
  • /voodoo/docs - Voodoo documentation
  • /voodoo/lib - Voodoo dependencies

How to Build

Voodoo currently builds on Windows. It would be great if someone ported the build engine to Unix and Python.

Step 1: Install Python 2.7


Step 2: Install Closure Linter


Step 3: Install 7zip


Step 4: Install Java 1.7 Runtime


Step 5: Update tools\user.cmd

Update this script with paths to your installations and browsers to test.

Step 6: Build

Run build.cmd in the root folder.