The Climate Agency

The Climate Agency is a marketing strategy consultancy, non-profit, and dedicated to help climate projects scale up.

Authors ✍️

Environments 🌍

Developing 🧱

Built with

  • next (^12.1.6) & typescript (^4.7.3)
  • @storybook/react (^6.5.7)
  • @stitches/react (^1.2.8)
  • embla-carousel-react (^6.2.0)
  • @react-spring (^9.4.5)

Prerequisites 📝

Global dependencies for development 🧶

  • Node.js -> an asynchronous event-driven JavaScript runtime, designed to build scalable network applications
  • nvm -> quickly install and use different versions of node via the command line
  • yarn -> package and project manager

💡 The node version we are using in the project is 17.6.0. It can be found in the .nvmrc file.

Developing the project

Download the repo ⬇️
  1. Clone the GitHub repo of the project:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the project in your local folder
cd climate-agency/
  1. Install all dependencies and dev-dependencies in found package.json file
yarn install
After these steps, you are now ready to run the project locally 🚀
  1. In your terminal, run:
yarn dev

This will run the website in your local server.

  1. Run Storybook - for this you will need to open a separate terminal window.
yarn storybook

Here you can see all components in isolation.

Delpoying / Publishing ✈️

There's an automatic pipeline from pushing to main to the vercel deployment.

Versioning 📦

We use SemVer for versioning