Creating a more backend focused project by responding to user request and creating APIs for a content editor using CRUD Operations.
A Blog site where I can share my thoughts and opinions about Computer Systems, Web Development also creating tutorials and reviews on my favorite books. but for now I populated the blog site's contents from some of the notes in my markdown web application Vimnotes just to see how it looks.
I wanted to explore more into the backend side of things by building a multi-page application, the pages that are served to the clients are dynamic and is updated through an API that I can attach to a content editor that can use CRUD operations, and I was also curious how I could implement a JWT authentication strategy to secure my API.
I might populate this project with meaningful contents to share with other people, but as of now I am currently busy.
- I use ExpressJs for my server
- MongoDB with Mongoose ODM
- JSDOM to parse markdown text and interact with the DOM objects in the server.
- MarkdownIt to parse and render the makrdown contents written in a content editor to HTML.
$ cd /blog-site
To install dependencies.
$ npm i
$ npm run dev