
FlyleafSharedOverlay in wpf ViewBox

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I have a Usercontrol, inside it is composed of a FlyleafSharedOverlay.

<UserControl x:Class="Streaming_Manager.MosaicControl" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:fl="clr-namespace:FlyleafLib.Controls.WPF;assembly=FlyleafLib"> <fl:FlyleafSharedOverlay Name="main_host"> <fl:FlyleafSharedOverlay.DetachedContent> <Canvas x:Name="detached_canvas" Background="Black" AllowDrop="True"> <!--here the video players--> </Canvas> </fl:FlyleafSharedOverlay.DetachedContent> <Canvas Name="MosaicCanvas" Background="Transparent" Panel.ZIndex="0"> <!--here other usercontrols--> </Canvas> </fl:FlyleafSharedOverlay> </UserControl>

I tried to put this Usercontrol inside a Viewbox but seems that the usercontrol is not resized by the viewbox.
Is there a way to do this appropriately?

Hi,how do you solve this problem? I'm having the same issue。

Hi,how do you solve this problem? I'm having the same issue。

I put the viewbox inside the FlyleafSharedOverlay with the Canvas MosaicCanvas inside it.

<fl:FlyleafSharedOverlay Name="main_host"> <fl:FlyleafSharedOverlay.DetachedContent> <Canvas x:Name="detached_canvas" Background="Black" AllowDrop="True"> <!--here the video players--> </Canvas> </fl:FlyleafSharedOverlay.DetachedContent> <Viewbox Name="viewbox_mc" Panel.ZIndex="0"> <Canvas Name="MosaicCanvas" Background="Transparent" Panel.ZIndex="0"> <!--here other usercontrols--> </Canvas> </Grid> </Viewbox> </fl:FlyleafSharedOverlay>

This way it works because I don't insert flyleafhost controls into the canvas MosaicCanvas.
Flyleafhost controls only go in the detached_canvas and I resize them manually because the viewbox doesn't work with them.

Hi,how do you solve this problem? I'm having the same issue。

I put the viewbox inside the FlyleafSharedOverlay with the Canvas MosaicCanvas inside it.

<fl:FlyleafSharedOverlay Name="main_host"> <fl:FlyleafSharedOverlay.DetachedContent> <Canvas x:Name="detached_canvas" Background="Black" AllowDrop="True"> <!--here the video players--> </Canvas> </fl:FlyleafSharedOverlay.DetachedContent> <Viewbox Name="viewbox_mc" Panel.ZIndex="0"> <Canvas Name="MosaicCanvas" Background="Transparent" Panel.ZIndex="0"> <!--here other usercontrols--> </Canvas> </Grid> </Viewbox> </fl:FlyleafSharedOverlay>

This way it works because I don't insert flyleafhost controls into the canvas MosaicCanvas. Flyleafhost controls only go in the detached_canvas and I resize them manually because the viewbox doesn't work with them.

Thanks, it helps a lot