
Demuxer: Blu-Ray Support

Opened this issue · 7 comments

I can play a Bluray disc in MPV with the following command:

mpv --fs --bluray-device=f: bd://

I haven't yet figured out a way to do this with Flyleaf.

Is it possible?

Let's assume it is a home-made Bluray with no encryption.

@etlweather I've not try to test/support blueray at all to be honest and I think the current implementation cannot support it. Generally, new features will be not included in v3 anymore as I'm trying to go to the new v4 design.

@SuRGeoNix Make sense. Any idea when v4 will be ready?

With ffplay I can play the blueray disk with ffplay bluray:f:\ where f:\ is the drive letter of the bluray drive.

Opening the media with bluray:f:\ sort of worked - I get the video but I am not getting any sound.

Actually, I do get audio for non-encrypted disc. For encrypted disc, with MakeMKV installed, I get video but not audio.

Guys, I don't even have a spare Blu-ray to test this, but I will try to include it as for v4 I've changed the design couple of times and might be ready in October (for the player, as a media library hopefully much sooner).