
Subtitles seeking support

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Sorry for posting two feature requests.

I would like to add the ability to seek with subtitles like mpv, but it looks like this needs to be addressed by the library itself.

For example in mpv, It is convenient to seek between subtitles with ASD with the following settings.

a no-osd sub-seek -1
d no-osd sub-seek 1
s no-osd sub-seek 0

It would be nice if both built-in and external subtitles could be supported.

Hi @umlx5h, that will not be easy to add in the current implementation. As it will need to seek based on subtitles stream (it would be easier if all packets were cached, but now it does not) and the seek again accurately for the video keyframe before that timestamp (which means demux and decode until the subtitles timestamp). I will have this in mind for the next major update.

thanks for your reply.