
I've created a library to be able to write code in the style of Suave

wallymathieu opened this issue · 6 comments

Since it uses the IAppliactionBuilder there doesn't need to be that much implementation code.

What are your thoughts?

Cool, but isn't this basically what Giraffe does ?

Giraffe focuses more on performance so uses Task<_> and CPS instead of Async<_>. I feel that using Async<_> is more composable (slightly nicer to work with). It could also be that I need to figure out the monad transformers for Giraffe.

From a personal perspective I would start out with something Suavish and then go Giraffe if I need to optimize performance further.

I see. I agree that Async<_> is easier to work with.

From talking with @cannorin, it feels like @cannorin has put a lot of thought into scanf, so perhaps could rewrite the scanf implementation in Suave?

My scanf ( ) works 10x faster than that of Suave but

  1. it introduces additional dependency (FParsec)
  2. the optimisation only works with up to 7-tuples, and for 8-tuples and more you have to fall back to reflections which is about 7x slower compared to the optimised ones